Garage Sale

Its official, I'm having a Garage Sale. Well I wouldn't call it official, but its pencilled in my planner! We are having it at my Grandma's since I don't have a garage to speak for but she has two. Nick thinks I am nuts for doing this as it will be way too much work but truth me told, I am super excited! I love organizing things so I now have another project to work on. Yeah! I am also excited about getting all of this crap out of my house so we have extra room. Most of the stuff that I am selling is baby stuff so all of that will be out of the attic and I will have room to morph that into our home office. Hooray! I am so excited! If you have any preparing-for-a-garage-sale tips let me know...this is my first one!


In case you were wondering...


I hate Mondays