My Go-to Foods

photo by dabasir

I think every mom has an arsenal of foods that they can just grab and give to their kids. I have some that are the first thing I find myself reaching for at meal times. What are yours? Are you proud of them or do you wince when you reach for them, thinking there should be healthier things that you should be grabbing for? Here are some of the things I am reaching for:

Gerber cereal bites (Emma calls them little flowers)

Whole Wheat Club Crackers
Barbara's Shredded Bites cereal

Shredded Cheese


Most of these things I think are pretty darn good. The kids also enjoy a variety of vegetables and other fruit but these are my go to things that I know the kids will love to eat. The only things I really have my qualms about are the Club crackers simply because of the salt and the fact that I often wonder if they are getting too many carbs.

One of my tricks for getting Emma to eat is to give the food to Calvin first. She seems to think that she needs to outdo him by eating what he eats.

What are your tricks to get your kids to eat? What are your go to foods that you pick for your children?


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