Library Saturday

Emma with the big eared kitty
And with Maisy...or mousy as she liked to call it
Gotta love the bad pictures!
Curious George (who I think may have been my friend Rusty...hello? Rusty? Is that you?)
She was enamored by Clifford!

Saturday afternoon we went the library for their celebration of books! We had such a good time! We got to meet Maisy, Clifford, Curious George, and do all kinds of crafts! It was a good way to spend an afternoon and a fabulous way to get kids interested in books. We here in the Lindsay Anna Banana household are crazy about books. We all have been making it a habit to get books and Nick and I have been trying to finish one book each library time. This was a fun day for us all...even me who secretly is TERRIFIED of these mascotish looking things...I don't know why they creep me out. All in all it was a great afternoon and I am so glad that Emma wasn't scared of the characters; I think they will be a good reminder to get her excited when we are reading their books.

Kitty Cat Emma hanging out at the library


blah says me


I hate Bills