Back from the Market

Here's what I bought for 49.76

So I just got back from the grocery store and again it was like pulling teeth to stay on budget! How fruustrating. I think we are going to have to up the food budget as previously suggested; I just hate the thought of having to do that though, don't you? But anyway, I was doing some blog surfing this morning and I stumbled across a woman who could be my sister, weird huh? I can't remember the blog off the top of my head but when I stumble across the name I will let you know so you can tell me if I am right about this sister thing. Anywho she was saying that as hard as staying on budget is these days, at least we are still able to provide healthy nutritious meals to our family with organic foods and wholesome products. And you know, she is right? At times it may seem as though we are scraping by, but we aren't SCRAPING by. I am not feeding Emma ramen noodles or pork rinds for dinner. We have fresh fruits and vegetables (thank you Witwers!). We sit down as a family and have dinner every night. We truly are blessed beyond measure. I especially know how blessed we are when Emma prays for the dinner (albeit sounding like the old lady at the Griswald Christmas..."I pledge allegiance to the flag".) But anyway, pictured is what I got from the store. I should tell you that anything I buy from supplemental stores (read CVS, Walgreens, Target) is not factored into my budget. Here are some of the amazing deals I got:

Juice at Walmart for 1.00 each
Mrs. Meyers countertop spray at Kroger on clearance for $2.50
Muir Glen tomatoes 1.20/can...I used my 3 $1.00 off coupons off 3 cans and got each for $.20.
Kashi Granola bars 2.67/each...I used my 2 $2.00 off coupons and got 2 for $.67 each
Honey Bunches of Oats 1.98...I used my $2.00 off coupon and got paid $.02 to buy it!
YoBaby yogurt for Emma, originally $4.09, on sale for $2.09

A lot of these deals I wasn't looking for, they found me. Another way I am shown that God is watching out for us and is providing for our every need.


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