Have You Wondered Where I've Been?

I appologize for being so aloof lately. Life has pretty taken over life if, that makes sense. But I think I now have a clear view of things again. I have been so busy and so stressed over nothing. I have been so mean to my family and husband because I have felt like the world is crashing in on me. I haven't had time to put lotion on or get dishes done. I have gotten a huge boost of confidence and energy though.
Sunday Nick left for a conference in Detroit. I missed him so much but wasn't my usual whiny selfish self that I usually am...a definite sign of maturity on my part. But while he was gone I realized just how much I love him and how much I miss him when he is away. I also realized I am to have him...I have no idea how single mom's do it!

Tuesday I left via train to meet Nick in Detroit. I felt very Anne of Green Gables as I stood on the platform of the 1892 train station, waving to Peg, Emma, and Cal. The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming; it was a warm spring day with a gentle breeze in the air. I boarded the train and found I was facing backwards...instantly petrified of motion sickness I downed a couple Dramamine. And surprise, they worked beautifully! I was even able to read on the train...and dream, and sleep, and sightsee!

When I arrived in Detroit it was like living out a fairy tale with Nick waiting for me. He was so happy to see me and he scooped me up and kissed me. How romantic! A definite change from the two of us nagging one another all of the time at home.

On the way to the hotel we stopped at a gourmet market for some shopping and then onto the hotel. Once freshened up we hit the street in search of fun things. We first stopped at Hard Rock for drinks and an appetizer. Next we went to Cyprus, a greek restaurant featured in the Rachael Ray mag (thanks Aunt Jan!) for some of the best greek food. We trested ourselves to drinks and the flaming cheese. Opa! Next we went to the Greektown Casino and gambled $1.00 away on slots. I won a few times which was fun. Nick said it was cute to watch me win. Seriously though I had such sensory overload I thought I was going to start rocking myself in a corner. After that we went back to the hotel to relax. After American Idol and watching the polls we headed down to Sweet Lorraine's and got drinks and dinner...we split an entree. Afterwards we went hot tubbing and were very pleased to see that we were the only ones there. How romantic!

When we awoke the next morning it was 8:00 am, a long time after I normally wake up at 4! It was so refreshing! Nick went out for coffee and I lounged which was heavenly. When he got back with my cappuccino, he kissed me and then headed out for his conference and leaving me to my own devices. I sat there with my cup of coffee and very slowly savored a couple pastries we had purchased the night before. They were the most delicious things I have ever eaten. They were from Astoria, a bakery voted best bakery, one of the best in the nation! I closed my mouth and savored every morsel, very Giada of me!

After my breakfast I took a long bath with some bath salts I had bought myself. I worked my way through a couple of magazines I had been trying to get through. After that I slowly got ready and actually took time to go through my routine. My routine which over the last two years has slowly dwindled from an hour long pampering affair to maybe 10 minutes of doing the musts. And during this time of me getting ready it hit me: putting lotion on should not be an extravagance. I should have enough time for myself to put lotion on.

So now we are back home and I am so refreshed and relaxed! I just need to make this feeling last. I need to stay silly and still treat Nicholas like we are still in love, because we are. Madly and deeply in love. He helped me see that. I feel like my old self again, not a wash maid or a beer wench, or a mom, or a wife, or a nosy neighbor. I feel like me, and I like that.

Happy Mother's Day!


Grandma Blue Jean's House