What We've Been up To

I know that some of you just tune in for the pics which is a-okay. Aunt Jan misses her great niece and nephew. So I thought I would post some pictures of us from this past weekend. I must say we are enjoying the new season so much. We have our bird feeder up to watch the birdies eat their breakfast every morning and we are loving to work in the garden! Friday night we went out to eat to Culver's...we had coupons for one free sandwich and one free icecream...BOGO coupons so we had a very nice meal for a very nice price! After dinner we went to go see Aunt Kelsey perform in a children's play, Snow White. Emma loved it!

Here I am with my sisters Lacey and Kelsey. Kelsey is holding Calvin, she was the mother in Snow White that told the story.

Saturday we went to Chi-town to visit our cousins. They have four kids that Emma just adores and loves to play with. They also had some wonderful hand-me-downs to share which are always very much appreciated.

Here's Emma on the ladder climbing on the swingset. She loved playing with her cousins!

Sunday we were terrible people that stayed home from church (shhhh!). We got home really, really late from traveling and I was feeling as though I was coming down with something. So we sat around the house and leisurely made our way through the newspaper. We also got quite a bit done around the house, including cleaning, laundry, raking and gardening, Nicholas got the screen door repaired and replaced the storm door with that, trim cut and put up in Emma's room. It was just an all around nice day. We then went down to Nick's mom and dad's and had cheeseburgers which were super yummy.
This picture was from yesterday, Monday which wasn't in the weekend but thats okay. Here is Calvin ready for our walk. Isn't he the cutest little boy? We're pretty sure his eyes are going to be hazel. Nick and I have very deep brown eyes, as does Emma. But his are staying greyish green, blue, sometimes brown. I guess we will see. But both of us have mom's with blue eyes and I know Uncle Marcy has hazel eyes, so we will have to see.



