My First Day Off

So today was my first day off and it has been a lot of fun. Calvin slept last night (albeit in our bed but we will deal with that problem when we have slept). Anyway, we've had a good time playing, relaxing, and actually getting some housework done. When Nick came home for lunch we all were nice and civil and acting like our well-rested selves...yeah!
photo courtesy of!

When the mail came I was delighted to see that I had gotten a card from Jaime...yeah! I was so excited! She sent me a Napoleon Dynamite talking card which made my day. What made my day even more were the wonderful words she wrote...thanks so much! Did I mention that you made my day! I was floating on cloud 9 and still am from that! What made it even more perfect was when Emma pointed at Napoleon and said "Daddy". That's right folks, Emma thinks Nick looks like Napoleon Dynamite...I see a halloween costume forming! But seriously: Jaime thanks for thinking I am great; you are great, so I guess this is why we are family. And you made me almost wet myself as well...we'll keep that one an inside joke. That and "where's my tools?" That one I had to throw in there.
Tonight we (read I) am making Chili with cheddar-pepper cornbread. Yummy! Well yummy to me, not so much to Nicholas as he thinks I make the world's worst chili. Such kind words he says! And just to let you all know, last night at Meijer I saved more than I spent. Can I get a woo-hoo from the crowd please? I spent $43.23 and saved $51.00. Yeah! God is good all of the time, right?

The Stitches are Gone!


Just Too Busy