A Sensational Saturday

Ready for shopping...here we go!
Outside Restore...this is what the sign looks like in case you are bored out of your mind and have nothing else to care about!
Emma enjoying shopping (and apparently not being able to see!)

What a gloriously busy day we had! Today we leisurely woke up and got ourselves around for the weekend. We then went shopping at the two Restore's in our area. If you have never been to one of these stores, I highly recommend that you look into them to see if they are in your area. Restore is a resale shop for items for your home. It is run by Habitat for Humanity. The items are either used from homes and saved from landfills or are donated by chain stores to get a tax write off. Think of it as a goodwill for building supplies. The proceeds go to help fund Habitat for Humanity which makes you feel good about buying items. Although we didn't find what we were looking for (lighting for our foyer and morning rooms, cabinets for our laundry room, and tile for our foyer) we did find a new flood light for outside (have been needing) and new brass house numbers to replace the outdated ones we have now. In total for those items we spent 12.46...awesome deal as the numbers would have set us back at least $10.00 a piece.
We then went to a consignment shop in the Miami Village district of our city. I have been driving by this consignment shop for probably a year and a half now and have never had time to go in. To be honest too I have been scared to go in...I am always so scared that people are going to be mean when you go in a new store. So we decided to go there, and the ladies that worked there were sooooo nice! I couldn't believe the warmth that radiated from them as we looked around. We got a lot of deals which I will write about tomorrow. I love consignment shops! Having children has definitely made me appreciate these types of stores. With how quickly they outgrow everything, there is just no reason to buy everthing new.
After that it was back home for lunch and naptime. Nick put Emma to bed and I went out shopping. I FINALLY grasped how to take advantage of the sales at CVS; I have been trying to figure out the concept for quite some time but to no avail. Finally today I jumped in with both feet. They were having a deal where you could buy $30.00 of certain products and get $15.00 in their extra care bucks for next time. So I bought diapers (of course, my lifeline it seems) and ziploc containers, and freezer bags. Then I bought a toothbrush with coupon for $.39 and a toothpaste that got me another $2.00 in extra care rewards. So after my coupons on all of this crap I spent only $23.00...not bad considering I got three packages of diapers! If you factor in all of the extra care bucks I got ($17.00 if you have been paying attention) then it is really like I got everything for $6.00 which I think is pretty freaking sweet. If you want to try to figure out all of this CVS stuff for yourself, I found an awesome article over at Money Saving Mom...I'm too tired to explain it all myself.
After CVS and the shopping trip of the year I jetted over to the library for some alone time. I borrowed the IT Girl's Guide to Blogging, so hopefully in the near future I won't suck entirely at this whole thing...you all can only hope.
After that, it was back home to get ready for our big night out. We went out to eat with Nick's parents, pizza at one of our favorite haunts, and then to Philadelphia for dessert...yummy!
When we got home Calvin was being a cheeseball so I couldn't help but take pictures of him in his I Love Mommy teeshirt...thanks again Barb for the gift! I know the picture doesn't do it justice, but he was smiling in this one, I promise!
So all in all we had a fantastic Saturday. Hope you all had as much fun as we did!

Stuck In This Room


Britax? More like Ripoffax!