Our Valentine's Day

Here we are on date night! Nick said he isn't going to take me out anymore if I make him stand for pictures everytime!

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day and I hope that you all did too! Nick bought me beautiful roses and he brought Emma a Valentine's balloon that she absolutely adores. She drags it around the entire house saying "bawoon", so precious. I gave Nick the gift of a happy thought...there will be a message from me everyday for a year on his blackberry...what I love about him, happy thoughts from us dating, funny things that happened, stuff like that. He seemed impressed I had the time to do it. Frankly I was too. Last night my mom and Lacey watched the kids so we could go on a date, a real live date! We went to Main Street Grille and had a fantastic meal. We held hands, we laughed, and I fell in love with Nick more and more. I love how much of a gentleman he is: holding his arm out to escort me everywhere so I don't fall, helping me in and out of my coat, opening doors, etc. I'm just glad I wasn't taken to Wings or something; I mean this kids got class! We were supposed to go to a movie, but in taking our leisurely time over dinner we missed the showing time, so we went browsing which was heavenly. Then we made it to a quiet dessert bar where we nestled into a corner with our coffee's and rich decadent desserts and laughed some more. All in all we had a wonderful Valentine's. Oh! And my mom and sis watched the kids in the afternoon before our date as well so I managed to go get my hair cut...I love it! I am so happy I found such a great stylist and my salon. I am holding onto them for dear life! Plus my mom got us Valentine's gifts (which by the way she did not need to do!). Emma got a bear, Calvin got a charm for his mommy's bracelet (hee,hee, sorry Calvin), Nick got a really neat car radio thing that I don't know how to describe to you. Its not a car radio, its a radio that is shaped like a car, it was supposed to be kind of a gag gift but he actually likes it! And I got a Breakfast at Tiffany's record...love it! By the way that is my all time favorite movie, I don't care if she is a prostitute. Ha! Anyway, we had a great Valentine's and I hope you all did too! Drop a comment if you wish and let me know what you did to celebrate your love!

Here is a cookie I decorated for Nick!


How Our Weekend Went


I Love You Baby