Ringing in the New Year

Here's her outfit for the day...I thought it was appropriate for the amount of snow we got!

So today we sat around and enjoyed all of the snow falling here. It is nice when the snow falls and you don't have to be anywhere. Nicholas was getting stir crazy though from not being out of the house in about three days, so we ventured onto the snowy roads to go shopping and to grab a bite to eat. I am enjoying my final days with it being just the three of us. I woke up from our nap this afternoon and just the feel of Emma between Nicholas and I in bed napping is going into my vault of treasured memories. What a heavenly sensation. We also bundled Emma up and went out in the snow which she loved. So we had a wonderful day. Also shown are flowers I got...there are tons of flowers around here now; Nicholas says it looks like a flower shop there are so many, but I had to split them up around the house, so it goes. Hope you all had a wonderful New Year!

These are the flowers in my dressing room and I love them! Everyone loved Gerbera daisies, right?

Eskimo kisses in the snow!


A Few of My Favorite Things

