We're Back!

This picture was taken while Emma and Daddy were staying busy while I was shopping...I love the expression on her face!

So for those of you who were worried, I had stepped away from the computer to go on vacation. We went to Brown County, Indiana. For those of you who have never been there we highly recommend. I had been going there with my parents since I was a young girl and Nicholas and I have been rushing to get down there every chance we have since we have been together. Emma is seemingly loving our haven as well.

The trip was my Birthday present from Nicholas and I must say it was just perfect. We went the day after my Birthday and we had such a great time together. We shopped, ate, and were just plain silly. We even were able to get Emma in the pool which she hated at first but loved eventually. There was a ledge for her to walk in the pool and she walked like she was on the moon or something which was hilarious.

Picture of the lane going down to the Covered Bridge we explored while Emma napped

This is the place that never ceases to be able to sooth my soul and completely rejuvenate me. It is a miraculous thing. When returned from vacation I found Nicholas and I were teasing one another like when we were dating in college and I felt ready to have this baby. It was as though my heart had said, okay, I am now prepared, lets do this.


In case you didn't know...I am pregnant


Saturday Update