In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary
-Aaron Rose

I do believe that today I am feeling in a somewhat romantic mood. That is, I want to brew a cup of tea, curl up in bed, and read a good Jane Austen novel. However, household duties forbid me from doing this today. That and Emma the toddler prevent me from lounging. Today is Saturday and I am finding if I share with all of you what in the world needs to get done today it helps to keep me on task. If I tell you we have 57 things to accomplish and then I come back here and report only 3 were done, then I feel melancholy. So hopefully reporting to you will help me to accomplish the full 57. Today Nicholas is going to be sanding woodwork in Baby Calvin's room. This is the last step before painting the woodwork a gorgeous cream color that is continuing throughout our house. After that hopefully we will get the furniture repainted and then it will be moving in day in Baby Calvin's nursery...I can hardly wait.

We are also going to be working on the lattice on the top of one of the panels of our fence. Our little yard is surrounded by a cute fence with wood slats on the bottom and lattice work on the top. The lattice on this particular portion of the fence had been entwined with a vine of some sort that basically shattered the lattice after a time. When we bought the house we figured this would be a relatively simple fix, buy some new lattice to replace the old. However after two years of lattice shopping at every lattice supplier known to man, we have discovered that the lattice on our fence was handmade. Oh joy of all joys. So this afternoon Nicholas and I will be outside trying to reconstruct lattice. The problem has been there for the two years that we have owned the home, but I am just sick of it and in the summer it is somewhat covered by the trees, so now as the leaves are dropping you can really see the problem. I am also set on getting it fixed today because the Arts Cafe is tomorrow and people are going to be walking up and down our street to see how wonderful our neighborhood is and we don't need anyone dissing our poor little fence. I am such a geek but I believe that the details are what make the picture perfect.

Other things to accomplish today include going to K-Mart to do a little shopping. There was a coupon in the paper for half off a toy so I am figuring that will be a good opportunity to get a little Christmas shopping done for Miss M.

Dinner tonight will be at the elder Witwer household which should be nice as we have not seen Nicholas' dad in what seems like a millenia. Also Nick's mom and dad have been holding Emma's gross nasty baby doll for ransom down there (not really, but doesn't that sound dramatic) so we are going down there to bust her out.

So those are the things on my to do list today. I will try to report back tomorrow and let you know our progress. Hopefully I can tell you that everything has been done!


Happy Me!


1st November Blog