
So last night we went out on a date, a real live actual date! I don't think we had been out on a date for, well, I seriously cannot remember the last time we were on a date. So we went out to eat to one of our places we used to go out on dates when we were dating. You can completely tell that we are used to having Emma with us because we had finished our meal from sitting down to having our leftovers packed up in 20 minutes. Nick said "we seriously just had a date night in 20 minutes". We are kind of pathetic. After that he asked me if I wanted to do anything and believe it or not we went shopping. Normally I would have wanted to go and get ice cream or take a walk or just be silly together, but now that we have Emma the idea of going to a store and not having to make a mad dash around to get what we need and get out sounded blissful to me. So we went shopping and found some cute dish towels and we even found a Christmas present for me for Nick to wrap and give to me. Yeah! So all in all it was a nice time and it was nice to get away. My mom watches Emma every other Friday so maybe this will become a habit for us. But it was kind of sad, I sat across the table from the man I love and we had nothing to talk about. I am scared we are going to become one of those old couples who take books to dinner and never talk to one another, they just read. They either hate one another or they are just in such perfect harmony that they know what the other is thinking at each second of the day. So that is what I am scared of...being old with Nicholas and not talking to him at all.


Our Little Piglet


Chilling at Home